About the Committee
- Chris Jacques, Chair (chris.jacques@illinois.gov)
History and Mission
This committee was established as the ad hoc Committee Review Committee in 1998 by the President and charged to formalize mission statements, clarify responsibilities of each standing committee, and to prepare a working document entitled, "Duties and Responsibilities of Standing Committees," for distribution to officers, board members, and committee chairs. In 2000, this committee was made a standing committee, Committee on Committees, by the Board of Directors. Following the 2003 meetings, the name was changed to Coordination Committee.
This committee, at the request of the President and Board of Directors, should periodically review the mission statements and responsibilities of all standing committees and work closely with the committee chairs to update this information on a regular basis. This committee will work closely with the Informatics Committee to facilitate web access for other committees including assembling and editing committee reports for posting to the ASM website so that they are available to the membership. This committee should also consider the changing goals and needs of the Society and make recommendations for changes in the responsibilities of existing committees and for establishment of new committees as appropriate.